Have You Been to School?

Galatians 3:15-26

Pew Bible Pg. 946



I.  The school of the law.                                                                                             vs. 17-19

        A.  The law is good because of what it does.                                                       vs. 21, 24

        B.  We struggle with the law when we make it about us.



II.  The school of faith.

       A.  In faith, we can have freedom.                                                                       vs. 22-23

       B.  Faith gives us a new identity.                                                                         vs. 25-26



III.  The school of God’s promises.

        A. All of God’s promises are true.                                            Num. 23:19, Josh. 21:43-45,

        B.  The promise to Abraham was most important.                                               vs. 16, 18;



Do I believe the promises of God?



Do I find myself most often in the school of the law or the school of faith?



Who has heard about the freedom I have found in Christ?

